A member asked:

What causes dystonia?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Many things: Dystonia is a neurologic syndrome characterized by sustained involuntary muscular activity producing sustained, abnormal and repetitive muscle contractions causing twisting movements, abnormal posture and functional disability. There are many different types and causes with different prognoses. Some remit, some stay the same and others get worse.

Answered 8/11/2013



Various causes: There are genetic forms, acquired forms, toxic forms, and those without known cause. Dystonia muscularum deformans is a horrible progressive form that is devastating over time. Focal dystonia may occur only rarely in a small group of muscles with very specific movement. There is no cure but good management methods are available.

Answered 9/11/2012



Unclear.: We do not understand the causes of dystonias at a mechanistic level. We do divide dystonias into two types: primary and secondary. In primary dystonia there is likely a genetic predisposition with an environmental trigger. Secondary dystonias are caused by trauma, brain disease or certain medications such as neuroleptics (major tranquilizers).

Answered 9/30/2020



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