A member asked:

Lipoprotein (a) was at 355. cholesterol 180. hdl 38 ldl 124 and trig127. started taking 1000 mg of niacin will this lower lp(a) and exercising 3xweek?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Sergio Schabelman answered

Specializes in Cardiology

May be: Niacin may improve the lipid profile but it has not been proven to improve chances of heart attack or stroke. Also, they have several side effects and is hard to get people to take them long term i rather you do more exercise (5-6 times/week), be in the best possible shape, loose a few pounds if you are overweight. That will increase the good cholesterol (HDL) and lower the bad. Your tg are ok.

Answered 3/27/2019



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