A member asked:

Can you tell me if i could use listerine, while having an inviaslign retainer?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Yes: Listerine can be used when undergoing orthodontic treatment. It is a good addition to daily oral care. I would not use it when you have the retainers in your mouth. It would limit the overall exposure to the medicaments in the mouth wash. It might also be visible inside of the retainers thus not being invisible.

Answered 3/6/2015



I agree!: Invisalign retainers acts as a reservoir, I prefer to keep drinks and mouthwashes out of your mouth WHILE wearing these retainers!

Answered 6/21/2015


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

No restrictions: Because they can be removed, you are able to brush and floss your teeth just like you normally would. You can also soak retainers in a half and half solution of Listerine and water twice a week to get them extra clean.

Answered 5/23/2015



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