A member asked:

Dx with flu today. i live in nj. i thought flu season was over. does tamiflu (oseltamivir) work?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

FLU still going: In the northwest we still have cases influenza-a , but the season did not start here until february. Washington (state) dept. Of health still recommends getting a seasonal flu shot if not done already (still plenty available). Yes tamiflu (oseltamivir) may shorten the course and decrease the severity if started early. Hope you are better soon!

Answered 2/3/2015



Can be anytime: Although flu clusters from Dec-March there are regional outbreaks & air travel makes spread to/from anywhere in the world possible year round. Tamiflu is not an antibiotic but slows the germ until it dies. It works best if taken as soon as symptoms start but is seldom very helpful after 48 hrs of symptoms.

Answered 6/6/2018



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