Evaluation needed...: Miralax (polyethylene glycol) is lavage agent; citrucel a stool bulker. Best to seek medical evaluation--rule out metabolic causes of constipation (e.g. Low thyroid or adrenal conditions), distinguish slow versus normal transit constipation, consider rectal dysfunction that may be treatable with biofeedback, check for structural pathology or extrinsic impingement, or intermittent ileus (e.g. Pseudo-obstruction), more.
Answered 6/30/2014
Need FIBER/Softner: You need to prevent costipation by a combination of high fiber in your diet, consisting of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and if that does not help add a stool softner like docusate sodium. You can use occasional miralax/citrocel if needed . But high fiber diet will solve your long term problem as it wiil give you bulk which you may be lacking.
Answered 12/28/2019
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