A member asked:

The right side of my neck (under cheek) is swollen &i have cuts in my mouth as if it was from braces.dr thinks it is a thyroid stone.what could it be?

8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Jeffrey Bassman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Could be but...: Impossible to say, but i would want a more definitive answer than "think it is." if in doubt, ask more questions or get another opinion.

Answered 3/13/2014



Need dental exam: Swelling in neck and cuts in mouth may or may not be associated. Suggest that you see an Oral Surgeon for differential diagnosis.

Answered 5/15/2017


Dr. Hessam Rahimi answered

Specializes in Orthodontics

More info needed: severe trauma from braces could lead to lymph node enlargement or pain, but the history of the problem can help with the proper diagnosis. For instance, if it has only been a few days that you feel the pain, most likely it could be associated with the lesions, but if it has been a while, other conditions such as stones or thyroidism could be possible . But If I wanted to bet, I'd bet on infection

Answered 5/19/2017


Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

DDS/MD consult: Without a complete and thorough medical history and a clinical examination we really can't diagnose your symptoms over the internet. I doubt the cuts in your mouth are in any way related to your possible Thyroid stone. Have you own physician follow up with appropriate tests and see a dentist to evaluate the possible causes of the cuts in your mouth.

Answered 5/15/2017



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