Differential Dx alot: Anxiety to neurologic disorders. Med- side effects or mega-doses of vitamins or supplements. Exposure to pesticides especially if you live or work on a farm or agriculture industry w/o protection of hands and w/o a mask to prevent inhalation. See an ophthalmologist to check eyes. Do you have mvp? Metallic taste makes toxins ? Family hx of neurologic / degenerative disease important. Get evaluated.
Answered 2/9/2021
Get to your Doctor!: You are describing several things: of concern is increased pressure inside your head, pseudotumor cerebri, or a mass or infection. Another is heavy metal exposure, like lead, cadmium, mercury. I have seen patients with all of these symptoms you described. Get into your primary care provider, and follow up ophthalmology, neurology, and occupational medicine.
Answered 2/4/2021
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