Nerve irritation: Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms, but specific pain and "electric shock" type pain sound more like your nerve is being irritated. The sciatic nerve does indeed innervate the leg, but does not necessarily have to cause pain all the way down the leg when irritated. You may have a a "minor" case and localized tx with heat or an NSAID may help. Follow-up with your dr. If it persists. G luck.
Answered 4/5/2016
New mechanism: I am not acquainted with a psychiatric disorder that causes back and buttock pain, but it would be appropriate to become anxious about a new problem. If you are dis-satisfied with your doctor's conclusions, a second opinion would certainly be in order.
Answered 3/9/2014
Yes It Can: This pain in the distribution as you suggested is the result of an irritated nerve or facet joints or other injury typically in the lumbar spine (low back) which are caused by herniated disks, spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease, etc requiring further evaluation by a spine specialist and may be candidate for facet injections/radiofrequency ablation and epidural steroid injection.
Answered 7/13/2014
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