Menstrual cramps: Nsaid’s, ssri’s, hormone meds, otc meds containing diuretics, warm bath, heating pad, exercise ; acupuncture are excellent for pms / period. Avoid caffeine, chocolate, alcohol ; salt. Get gyn eval to r/o underlying pathology. Consider omega- 3 fatty acids, magnesium (supplementation or through diet) or black cohosh with dr ok. Sipping chamomile can dissipate pain. Ginger helps w nausea.
Answered 3/10/2014
Common problem: These are related to the bodies production of chemicals called prostaglandins which trigger irritation. Ibuprofen and naproxen are over the counter meds that target the prostaglandins.They have been used for decades for menstrual symptoms.They can be effective when started the day before and continued until the end of flow.
Answered 1/21/2017
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