A member asked:

My husband sweats so much at night that he needs to shower first thing in the morning, hes not sick and feels totally normal. what could be the reason?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Anxiety: It may be anxiety, or it may be a significant hormonal problem. It's not uncommon for anxiety to cause night sweats, and it's also not uncommon for night sweats to cause even more anxiety. The mechanism is activation of your "fight or flight" system (sympathetic). The treatment is to cure the cause- anxiety. Rec.: see you pcp for further investigation.

Answered 2/2/2014


Dr. Robert Killian answered

Specializes in General Practice

Night sweats: Night sweats can represent significant disease such as TB and non-hodgkins lymphoma. It can represent thyroid trouble or hormonal problems. Please show him this answer and encourage a visit to the family clinic.

Answered 10/13/2016



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