A member asked:

Will there be an uptake for i-131 during rai if there was no uptake for i-123 pre-scan for metastatic papillary thyroid cancer?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Thomas Benda, jr answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Yes.: Pre scans are pretty rare these days. But , yes, with your thyroid gone any remaining thyroid like tissue will likely take up iodine. If your tumor was larger than 1 cm rai would usually be recommended.

Answered 1/19/2014


Dr. Chaitanya Mamillapalli answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Possible.: Higher dose of radiodine is used with I131 treatment and can detect uptake that might be missed by I123 scan.

Answered 1/3/2019



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