See answer: In the absence of noticeable increased urinary frequency, urgency, burning, bladder pressure, a UTI is much less likely. Sediment in urine often related to the ph of urine, whereas the presence of wbcs in the voided urine of a female more often representative of vaginal contamination than infection. A urine culture would rule out uti. I suspect your lower back pain is not urinary tract related.
Answered 6/10/2014
Could be UTI: I think it definitely could be a urinary tract infection but that should be checked out. Urinary sediment is certainly not normal which could signal other malfunctions going on and not just an infectious process. I recommend getting a urine sample looked at and possibly cultured, depending on what your doctor would like. Would get the sediment looked at microscopically.
Answered 5/10/2014
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