A member asked:

What can i do to get rid of acne that it isn't going away, even after using can you use clindamycin phosphate and benzoyl peroxide gel?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Time for a retinoid: Retina or differin (adapalene) are good choices for acne. Either can be used with clinda or benzoyl peroxide. Don't over dry your skin with harsh cleansers, which could worsen acne. Use a moisturizer if needed.

Answered 11/28/2017


Dr. Robert Alexander answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

See Derm: Sounds like you have attempted simple treatment, suggest you see dermatologist who might consider different treatments from hormonal to antibiotic (such as accutane, or others). Skin cleansing and care program should be established, with guidance to avoid some problem make up/skin care products and preservatives. Acidifying skin may be part of their program to help you.

Answered 1/9/2015



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