A member asked:

Left hip and knee, ankle, arch of foot, pain, mussel cramps what is wrong? numb, tingling, weakness, sitting or standing

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Limb pain: These symptoms are usually either a circulation issue or a musculoskeletal problem. See a vascular surgeon who will sort it out for you.

Answered 11/25/2020



Sounds like a nerve: Issue, ie, spine lesion in the lower back. The areas you have problems with are from L1 level down to l5-s1. So get checked by pcp and possible referral to a spine doc /orthopod. You probably have arthritis (spondylitis) with some disc lesions. Avoid bending, lifting heavy weight, including grand kids. Do regular exercises within limits of discomfort. Losing wt + nsaids 4 pain, a ms relaxer also.

Answered 5/9/2023



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