A member asked:

1 mm pimple under leftside tongue stung for 1 day now dosnt hurt at all been there 2 days today just looks flat and whitish with a movable skin?cancer

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Joel Doyon answered

Specializes in Dentistry - Cosmetic

Porbably canker sore: Most likely it is just an aphthous ulcer or a canker sore. They are usually found on on movable tissue and self resolve after 14 days. It wouldn't hurt to get a dentist to look at it.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Suresh Gupta answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Canker Sore Aphthous: A usual presentation of an aphthous ulcer or a canker sore. Not a typical presentation of cancer, in this area. Common in pipe smokers or tobacco chewers...

Answered 5/3/2014



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