A member asked:

My temporary crown came loose, what to do?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Have a dentist: Re-cement it as soon as possible. Some dentists recommend you use fixodent or a store bought cement to cement it back in your mouth. I generally don't advocate that as many patients either create more problems for themselves or the temporary cracks or is swallowed. You can always see any dentist for the emergency and then see your own dentist to complete treatment.

Answered 11/28/2016


Dr. Joel Doyon answered

Specializes in Dentistry - Cosmetic

Call dentist: Call your dentist to get it recemented. Until then, keep the temporary crown on the tooth, avoid chewing on it, and if you must floss around it, once you floss in the area, let go of one end of the floss and pull it through the contact laterally; don't pull the floss up to the biting surface as you normally would. If it comes out, put a little toothpaste on the inside then place it back on.

Answered 11/28/2016



Loose temporary: First, call your Dentist and make an appointment. Second, set it back into place and make sure to eat on the other side until you get to your Dentist's office. If it doesn't want to stay in place, a rice-sized dollop of Vaseline inside the temporary crown may help.

Answered 3/19/2017



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