A member asked:

I have low level of hbsag, dna nd hbeag infected over one year.no treatment.can i expect to be inactive carrier?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hep B: Positive hep b surface antigen and 'e' antigen over a six months period without antibodies angainst these antigens is suggetive of chronic hepatitis b , the presence of 'e' antigen is suggestive of infectivity.

Answered 3/17/2014



Chronic hepatitis B: The degree of activity must be determined by the level of your enzymes (ast, alt, alk p04, etc.), and possibly by liver biopsy depending upon the above results. The information you cited does, however, give evidence suggesting a good prognosis. How did you get hep b? You should probably also be tested for HIV and syphilis. Good luck.

Answered 6/10/2014



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