A member asked:

Hello docs, i need to whiten my teeth, how much baking soda should i use when mixing it with my toothpaste?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Charles Lockhart answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Arm and hammer: The toothpastes are already premade for you by arm and hammer, the baking soda company. Visit a drugstore and pick one you like as there are several types available.

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Joel Doyon answered

Specializes in Dentistry - Cosmetic

None: If you want to successfully whiten your teeth, you need to do more than just brush them. You need to use a gel that penetrates through the enamel and start cleaning out the dentin layer. You can either use over the counter crest white strips or use a custom tray fabricated by a dentist.

Answered 3/22/2014


Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Whitening teeth: Depends upon existing condition ; how white you want them. Nothing over the counter nor what you can prepare yourself will do much to truly whiten teeth. Crest whitestrips do work but have limitations. Best course of action is to consult with your own dentist as to what would be best for your circumstances. Even then, get a professional cleaning first and be aware fillings and crowns do not whiten.

Answered 3/22/2014



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