A member asked:

Can taking benzodiazepines while on drugs like heroin, cocain, & meth be dangerous? if so, how come?... just wondering

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Robert Killian answered

Specializes in General Practice

Mixing Drugs: Yes. One only has to look at the celebrity drug overdose stories that populate the media to see this is true. Taking a sedative and an opiate together leads to more respiratory suppression and easier overdosing. These drugs sometimes have additive effete for bad outcomes. All of us here have one message. You do not have to die. Your addict brain is lying to you. Sobriety is better ; possible.

Answered 6/17/2014



Yes: The respiratory depression with heroin is additive. You can go to sleep, stop breathing, and wind up in heaven. Cocaine and meth can cause lethal cardiac arrhythmias...With or without the addition of benzodiazepines. Coming down off coke and meth commonly causes depression which benzos would exacerbate. Bad polypharmacy!

Answered 6/24/2014



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