A member asked:

After weaning off massive prednisone doses of 23 days (6of those days was 480 ml/day), how long can tremors (side effect prednisone) last?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tremors and steroids: The best person to ask your question is the physician (p) who ordered the steroids (s) for your. Your p knows you best and knows what condition the s were prescribed for. Call your p and ask him your questions for a meaningful answer. Good luck.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. John Chiu answered

In a few days.: The tremor effect , if present, usually does not last for more than a couple of days after stopping the drug (unless it was given in a Depo-Provera injection). Avoid caffeine and stimulant in the meanwhile. If the tremor continues for more than 72 hrs, i would look for other potential causes.

Answered 2/19/2015



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