Can't tell: It would be impossible to tell why your periods and bleeding are this way. You would need to see your ob/gyn to have an exam and probably an ultrasound and likely some blood tests to reach a diagnosis.
Answered 10/25/2013
Not uncommon: Weight gian, weight loss, increased stress of any kind, (family, partner, death in family, bills, etc) can cause irregular cycle and your symptoms. Usually will happen at least once a ytear. Body will correct itelf without you needing to do anything usually. Consult doc if you develop pain in your right or left lower belly as you might develop an ovarian cyst. Happens.
Answered 7/14/2017
frequent periods: This is not normal and there are many causes e.g. You may have an infection. Make an appointment with your doctor for a pelvic examination and checkup.
Answered 3/25/2017
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