A member asked:

Tiny red dots on left breast. no itching, no pain not raised bumps just tiny red dots. can this be breast cancer?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Breast Rash: Are the dots on the breast proper or underneath, in the folds? At your age, breast cancer is extraordinarily uncommon, and a macular rash is not a sign. The rash is dermatologic and could represent milia, allergic dermatitis, or one of many other skin conditions. Try a small amount of otc Hydrocortisone creme for a few days; if no relief, and if it still concerns you, seek a dermatologist.

Answered 6/25/2014


Dr. Carlos Encarnacion answered

Specializes in Medical Oncology

Doubt it: At your age, with that description, and assuming you do not have a very strong family history, the chance of cancer is low. The thing is, it is still possible and no doc at health tap can do an exam. Do yourself a favor and have your family doc or gyn take a look at it. Best to you and congratulations for being a "never smoker".

Answered 10/21/2013



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