A member asked:

How is sleepiness/fatigue over sleeping perhaps, all related. trying to explain to someone but not exactly how myself.

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Scott Bobbitt answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Sleep apnea?: Disruptions in normal sleep architecture or "stages" of sleep result in chronic fatigue and many other ill effects. If the brain is not permitted to get into and stay in deeper stages of sleep, it doesn't matter how long you stay in bed--you will not get restorative, refreshing sleep, and wake up still tired. Speak to your pcp about a sleep study to find out for sure.

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Sleep problems: There are many sleep disorders, and several can result in fatigue, sleepiness, and over-sleeping. Even if you have primary insomnia, the sleep debt will catch up with you and you'll be sleepy the next day. See a sleep medicine doctor for thorough evaluation -- a sleep study may be revealing and allow you to get the specific help you need.

Answered 10/30/2013



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