A member asked:

Symptoms: minor rectal bleeding (presumably at anus, red blood), painful defection (pain in rectum/anus area), feces of extremely huge size. pain during prolong sitting. if sigmoidoscopy is required?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Prob not: Given age and symptoms, sounds like hemorrhoids which is diagnosed by external examination of anus or anosopy. Given the pain, you prob have external (versus internal) hemorrhoids. Eat more fiber (you should never strain with defecation). If bleeding severe or persists, see our doctor.

Answered 12/23/2015



Depends: If the doctor is unable to identify the issue or cause of the problem with an external examination of the anal area, then a sigmoidoscopy may be indicated. Ask your doctor why it is indicated for you, if that is their recommendation.

Answered 12/10/2013



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