A member asked:

Can taking extra doses of birth cobtrol stop breakthrough bleeding?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Briefly: Breakthrough bleeding is often an indicator of a hormonal issue. Taking "extra" birth control pills" increases both Progesterone and estrogen, which is not the optimal way to treat this. The better option is th change to a more appropriate pill, usually meaning not a "lo dose" pill or a "triphasic" pill.

Answered 9/21/2017


Dr. Dennis Higginbotham answered

Specializes in American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Yes: If bleeding is a problem, additional doses of birth control pills will almost always slow or stop the bleeding, but it does not fix the problem that is causing the bleeding and the bleeding almost always returns when the effect of the additional pills wears off.

Answered 7/2/2017



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