Possible : But it seems to be a systemic condition. Check with an allergist or a hematologist.
Answered 9/28/2016
See below: The presence of alarge number of eosinophis suggests an allergic type reaction-drugs, food , some perfumes preseent in a variety of things all can cause this.
Answered 6/25/2013
A number of causes: Eczema, drug reaction, bug bites, contact dermatitis, some autoimmune skin conditions and others can have an itchy rash and eosinophils on biopsy. Please see your dermatologist for a more definitive diagnosis and treatment.
Answered 12/2/2017
Eosinophilic rashes: A variety of diseases can cause diffused skin rashes with eosinophilic infiltration including those mentioned in previous answers. However it seems like it affects both skin and mucus membrane and it is very diffused. Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a concern. Either an allergist, dermatologist, or hematologist can help you in this case.
Answered 9/18/2017
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