A member asked:

I had unprotected sex and we are not sure if he cum in. i had plan b within 24 hours. i saw some blood spotting. but now im period is 2 day late. im getting cramps and pain. im not sure if it can be pregnancy? how can i get period at home ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Frank Amico Sr answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

Using the plan B method was a good idea and it probably did prevent implantation, however not he is 100% . It would make sense to do a home pregnancy test. The best advise would be to see you GYN to make certain you do not have an ectopic pregnancy. Serial B- HCGs would be very helpful to make certain there is not a fertilized ovum. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous.

Answered 5/21/2023



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