Depends: Depends in how many shots/how long you've been using it. Could be as long as a year or so for longtime users. Not a problem except for those who want to get pregnant.
Answered 10/17/2016
3 months: Depo provides effective birth control for three months. After the three months, it is no longer an effective form of birth control, but some side effects, such as irregular periods, can last another six months.
Answered 11/27/2019
Up to 18 months: The number 1 side effect of the depo-provera is irregular and unpredicable bleeding. The shot is virtually guaranteed to give excellent contraception for three months, but it may last for up to 18 months - even after only one injection. If your periods have not normalized after 18 months, then its time to see your doctor.
Answered 8/20/2017
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