A member asked:

Age 22. bmi index good. moderately active. used to watch a lot of porn (stopped now 1 month). healthy eating erectile dysfunction. loses erection when flexing my kegel muscle (the muscle that moves the penis). what's my problem?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You should seek a urologist or a erectile dysfunction specialist for treatment. A series of Kegel exercises will be explained to you for your problem of erectile dysfunction, which you can do at home.

Answered 10/16/2022



The muscles which 'move' the penis are not the same as which are used for Kegel exercises for urinary control. Losing erection early could be related to excessive porn and will be helped by consulting a Urologist or a sex therapist as your chances of having an organic cause are very low at your age. Good luck

Answered 10/16/2022



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