A member asked:

I took two tests not to far apart first test was hsv dna pcr results came back not detected for both types test was done 7/16/21 next was antibodies igg test done the 7/26/21 comes back positive for hsv2 i have no breakouts. which test is right?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

The PCR test is positive only if enough virus is present; often negative even in people with HSV, especially if starting to heal before the test was done. The IgG blood tests aren't perfect, however, and the meaning of a positive result depends on how strongly positive it is. Best to find an STD or infectious diseases expert. Or re-post here, with the exact test and the numerical HSV2 result.

Answered 8/1/2021



Agree with Dr. H, Positive antibodies mean you were infected with HSV and the virus will be in your body for rest of your life. You can transmit the virus even when you do not have any symptoms. You should inform your sex partners of your HSV status.

Answered 8/13/2021



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