A member asked:

My son (12) had a circumcision on 7 jan. since 13 jan his scrotum appears blue/black. is this normal? he do experience any pain or discomfort and the actual circumcision wound and stitches are healing good. all swelling is gone. should we worry?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Contusion : Discoloration of scrotum is not normal, especially after several days from surgery. Please go back to surgeon as soon as possible and most likely will need ultrasound of the area. Hope it is just trivial injury. Good luck.

Answered 1/16/2021


Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Do not worry: Your description fits for scrotal skin bruising. Small abount of blood has tracked down under skin of penis and iunder scrotal skin. Blood tends to collect at lowest point possible, so after circumcision it's not uncommon for blood to track down into scrotum. It will disappear soon.

Answered 1/18/2021



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