A member asked:

Day1_previus period-20sept (4 day-normal cycle) 4th oct- bf touched vagina lips with posibile sperm on hand, no penetrate day1_last period-1st nov (2 days only) blood-2 complete pads flow-1pm-2am, 11am- 9pm severe cramp pain,back pain pregnant?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Pregnancy unlikely: If nobody put semen (has sperm in it) inside the vagina, pregnancy doesn't happen. A home urine pregnancy test gives a reliable result by 3 weeks after sex (3 weeks after when conception might have occurred), 1 week after missing a period, or 1 week after starting a "weird" period. If done sooner, a positive result is likely real, but a negative result may be due to testing too soon.

Answered 11/10/2020



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