A member asked:

Hello,lately ive been feeling i have low libido and difficulty to maintain an erection.i did a blood test 2 weeks ago just for a normal checkup but im curious to know if i can look for my testosterones level on my normal blood test.is it possible?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Blood levels: To check testosterone you have to do specific laboratory blood test they can do a total testosterone or A more accurate test which is a total and a free testosterone Level. That’s the only way to know testosterone levels .They can also do a FSH level LH level which check for endocrine problems associated with low libido and low testosterone .Also a prolactin level which checks for a prolactinoma

Answered 7/26/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Testosterone level: Agree with Dr. Kuitems. Testosterone level can't be deduced by look at blood counts or blood chemisty. A doctor has to specifically request that testing.

Answered 7/25/2020



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