A member asked:

Hi... i had my period on 2nd july 2020..an i have regular period.. i ovulated on 15th of july and had sex for 3 days before i ovulated and now i feeling menstrual like cramps and it started in day 5 after i ovulated can this tell i might be pregnant?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Pregnant?: If you started your period on 7/2 and ovulated 7/15, your cycles must be about 28 days in length. You would expect a period to start about 7/29.If you did become pregnant this cycle your next period might be different.This is a very common cycle length.You could be having cramping for any number of reasons but if you have an unusual period or worsening cramps, you need to be seen and evaluated.

Answered 7/24/2020



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