A member asked:

Month and a half late on period, two negative pregnancy tests taken 5 days apart, sore breasts and light cramps. i've been highly stressed about this. is pregnancy a possibility?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tests are accurate: Today's home pregnancy tests are very accurate and not affected by foods, herbs, common illnesses, sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal spotting, or medications. A test gives a reliable result 3 weeks after sex (3 weeks after when conception might have been) or 1 week after missing a period. If done sooner, a negative result may be due to testing too early, such as less than 2 weeks after sex.

Answered 5/31/2020



Agree wih Dr.K: If you have any doubt see a doctor for Blood test for HCG level and an ultrasound examination. Wish you good health!

Answered 5/31/2020



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