A member asked:

Period a month late, i never cramp but have been the last two days. breast are also sore and swollen which is unusual. two negative test 2 weeks ago?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Irregular periods : Irregular periods are one of the most common problems obgyns treat. If this is one time problem it usually resolves on its own. If this is a recurring problem you should be evaluated. Infections & hormonal changes can cause spotting. If there is a concern for pregnancy then do a home pregnancy test . There are many options available to help regulate the menstrual cycle. Schedule a visit.

Answered 10/31/2014


Dr. Frank Amico Jr answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Repeat: Repeat the test to make sure. You may want to get a blood test.

Answered 10/1/2014


Dr. Jalal Zuberi answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Time for third test!: You should consider yourself pregnant unless proven otherwise. Do urine pregnancy test at home and go to your doctor for a blood test for confirmation. Good luck:)

Answered 10/1/2014



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