Colo-rectal surgery: It sounds like you need to follow up with your surgeon. Post operative complications are not fun and this surgeon will know what to do next. They need to examine you, listen to your post operative experience and give you answers to the questions you may have.
Answered 4/9/2013
Anal fistula : Anal fistula still draining need professional surgical evaluation go to your surgeon or a colorectal surgeon now and you will find a possible solution no blog can solve your problem you need to examined.
Answered 8/8/2013
Seton: The plastic threads you are describing are call 'setons' they help to treat the fistula without having to cut through the muscle that allows you to control your anus. These usually fall out on their own and you heal. If you are still having problems you should visit the colorectal surgeon who operated on you before since they would be familiar with your past.
Answered 10/19/2013
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