Irregular bleeding: Irregular bleeding is one of the most common problems obgyns treat. If this is one time problem it usually resolves on its own. If this is a recurring problem you should be evaluated. Infections, polyps, fibroids and hormonal changes can cause spotting. There are many options available to help regulate the menstrual cycle. Schedule a visit.
Answered 10/10/2020
Gynecologist: That type of bleeding, presumably from the vagina, is concerning as it would take a lot of trauma to cause heavy bleeding after masturbation. Is the blood with urination? If so, it would point to urethral injury. You should be examined by a gynecologist to check for any pathology.
Answered 10/10/2020
See the gynecologist: Bleeding with masturbation is not good and your doctor needs to have a look. If you are using a sex toy it may be harming you. If you think you have injured your hymen your doctor will be able to tell you. If you have had multiple bleeds you may have punctured your hymen and it may have been reinjured but I would definitely let your doctor examine you and tell you precisely what the problem is
Answered 10/10/2020
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