A member asked:

I had sex with my boyfriend we used protection and my vagina itches inside. he also used his fingers on me. could i be allergic to the condom or what?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Yes: Yes, you may be allergic to condom especially if it was made of latex. Or potentially lubricant that was used. Try another brand next time. Consider using a second form of birth control eg pills, implant, shots, whatever. Check out Planned Parenthood's My Method http://www.plannedparenthood.org/all-access/my-method to figure out what's best for you.Regardless of what you use, make him wrap it up

Answered 5/31/2015



Latex allergy?: It is possible that you have a latex allergy or are sensitive to the lubricant used on the condom. You can be tested to see if you have a latex allergy. If it is a sensitivity to the lubricant on the condom, there are non-lubricated condoms. There are also non-latex condoms. If you have any discharge, burning or pain, see a doctor for testing for infections.

Answered 6/1/2015



May: Be or just irritation especially if you have not used a condom before .Check for any rash.

Answered 5/31/2015



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