A member asked:

My vagina only itches a little. it did burn but now it doesnt. now the skin is peeling on the inner labia? whts wrong? hd white discharge now i dont.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You have...: You have a vaginal yeast infection. I recommend getting over the counter vaginal cream or suppositories (Miconazole or Monistat). Use either the 3 day or 7 day. The one day, though effective, is frequently more irritating. If no improvement after using this, be sure to follow up with your doctor.

Answered 7/1/2018



GYNECOLOGIST: Please consult with your Gynecologist to diagnose and provide treatment for your problem. If you are not comfortable with your Doctor, see another for a second opinion.

Answered 1/25/2021



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