A member asked:

Doing arm dips and hit my chest hard on the seat, it took my breath away, now hurts from my chest all the way to my back. taking aspirin and resting,

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Rest.: Apparently you hit your chest really hard. If this doesn't get better with rest, see your doctor to make sure there isn't worse damage.

Answered 4/2/2013



Contusion of chest: I imagine 'arm dips' is a pushup type exercise and you slipped and hit your anterior chest on the seat. That would cause bruising at best, maybe even sprain of your costochondral joint/s or even a fracture/crack in one or more ribs. Bruising usually means broken or torn something. Breathing or movement will cause pain until these have healed, 2-8 weeks, i'd guess. No 'dips' until healed.

Answered 4/2/2013



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