A member asked:

I have a big problem with herpes(cold sores). during 3 weeks i got 4 herpeses. i am taking lysine, vitamin c, ganoderma lucidum, but with no effect?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Antiviral drugs: There are several oral antiviral drugs that your physician can prescribe for you and which should work much better. Make an appointment and discuss what would be best for your particular situation.

Answered 3/5/2018



Dental Laser: Non-contact with a dental laser has been shown to reduce the duration of herpetic lesions, when treated in the early stages. I have successfully treated patients when they first feel the "tingle" , "itch", or "burn" before the cold sore erupts. Use of the laser and ozone treatment can often prevent the cold sore from erupting and will typically immediately stop those initial symptoms.

Answered 12/10/2013



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