A member asked:

Exactly 2 weeks after sex i have brown spotting? this has happened to me in september and now again in january? in september i had unprotected sex and 2 weeks later i had heavy brown spotting. then i got my period a week after that lasted for 9 days! th

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Scott Musinski answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Two : Two issues: you may not have ovulated or had a delay in ovulation during these periods. Irregular ovulation and pregnancy are two common causes of cycle irregularity. Other possibilities are polyps and neoplasms. If you are trying to achieve pregnancy you should track ovulation with a kit that can be purchased at a local supermarket or pharmacy. If not you may wish to utilize oral contraceptives as they will likely regulate your cycle as well as protect against pregnancy.

Answered 10/3/2016



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