A member asked:

My husband & i had unprotected sex about 2 weeks before my due period. my period came 5 days late. i had a full 7 day period. now i have light spotting in dark brown color. what is going on?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Take the test: If you want to know if you are pregnant, take a test. In today's world you do not need to wonder if you are pregnant or not based on symptoms. Pregnancy tests are available at any pharmacy and in minutes you will have your answer. They can detect a pregnancy 7-10 days after conception. The best time to take one is when you miss your period.

Answered 5/22/2013


Dr. Seth Derman answered

Specializes in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

A few possibilities: It is possible that you may have ovulated late, had a cyst or had an early miscarriage. A pregnancy test will help rule out the last possibility. If it is negative, don't be concerned unless this pattern continues.

Answered 7/2/2016



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