You : You need to be evaluated by a medical professional right away if you have not done so already. A ct scan of your head/brain needs to be done to rule out any bleeding or trauma. Lastly to answer your question, a concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that results in a change in the way your brain normally works. The signs of a concussion are headache, problems with thinking and remembering, increased sleep and mood changes. The symptoms you are experiencing are more worrisome and warrant a prompt evaluation. Good luck.
Answered 10/3/2016
Concussion?: Sounds painful and i advise an x-ray to rule out any damage. If you had loss of consciousness, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea it could possibly a concussion.
Answered 6/11/2013
Concussion: There are many symptoms of a concussion. These include headache, nausea, trouble sleeping, mood changes and trouble concentrating. Your symptoms are not that typical. Here are some resources to learn more:
Answered 6/21/2019
Measurement Tools: Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) is one tool that looks at orientation, memory, concentration, and recall. It is used in the MACE (Military Acute Concussion Evaluation. ( Cut off 25
Answered 10/17/2014
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