A member asked:

Is it normal for a woman that is 5 months pregnant to have lower belly pain for 2 days after having sex? while having sex i lay on my back and he is on his side.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No, : No, that is not normal and you need to be evaluated. You should have a pelvic examination and should have a urine test to be sure you don't have an infection (urine infections feel different with different when you are pregnant). Please be seen and be sure that your cervix and urine are normal. If you have cramping, spotting, bleeding, or back pain then you must be seen as an emergency.

Answered 10/3/2016



"Normal" is relative: Depending on the "roughness" of the sexual activity, certainly any type of physical activity can cause some discomfort. There are too many individual factors to say things are "fine, " but if it hurts why do it?

Answered 9/14/2013



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