A member asked:

Is it possible that i have fibrocystic breasts due to excess caffeine?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Maybe: Women's breasts have some lumpiness naturally -- they contain all kinds of glandular, fatty, and connective tissues. Some research shows that eliminating caffeine-containing beverages and foods (such as coffee, tea, cola drinks and large amounts of chocolate) can help fibrocystic breasts. Not all research supports this though. It could be worth a 4-6 month trial off caffeine, to see it it helps.

Answered 5/6/2016



No: Fibrocystic breast condition is a description of your breast tissue. The composition of your breast tissue is determined genetically. It is not caused by caffeine intake. However, there are some studies that suggest caffeine intake can effect your tissue resulting in increased breast tenderness.

Answered 5/28/2016



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