A member asked:

Red rash in groin area with small red lumps- now also red dots on head of penis. not itchy but groin area was, now it's just sore. is this an std?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Timothy Schultz answered

Specializes in General Practice

Likely : The description sounds like herpes simplex which is an std. Although painful and inconvenient, it is not serious but it is contagious and causes complications for women who express the virus during childbirth. Therefore you should have a doctor diagnose this for certain while you have active sores and use barriers or abstinence during an outbreak to prevent transmission to your partner.

Answered 3/18/2019


Dr. James Eitner answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Needs Exam: In addition to a viral infection, like herpes, it may also be a fungal infection, similar to 'jock itch'. Only an exam will tell for sure.

Answered 10/9/2017



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