A member asked:

If my estimated due date at all my ultrasounds is march 15 2013 then is there any possible way i got pregnant by who i had sex with on june 10 2012?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Nikolaos Zacharias answered

Specializes in Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Not likely.: You probably conceived between 6/17 and 6/25/2012 on the basis of the dates you provide, so unless your cycle is really irregular and/or your ultrasounds are not very accurate it not likely that you conceived by the sexual encounter on 6/10/2012. When was the first day of your june period? If you have a 28-day cycle that should have been 6/8/2012 and i would bet you did not have sex during menses.

Answered 12/9/2013



Probably not: Assuming march 15 is accurate, you would have normally conceived from intercourse sometime between june 15 and june 22. Considering the imprecision of ultrasound measurements and even the possibility of unusually long sperm survival, june 10 is not impossible. If you had sex later than that the pregnancy is much more likely from that contact.

Answered 10/17/2012



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