A member asked:

Is it safe to take two plan b pills in a time period of a week and a half and take the second one. during my period ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

If you have to: As long as u are taking them at the proper time, meaning within 72 hours of the unprotected act , but if u are on your period and it is really your period u cannot get preg then and you need to get on some reliable birth control , you should not have to use Plan B more than 1 or twice a year.

Answered 5/12/2017


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Yes, HOWEVER: Plan B can be safely taken repeatedly. Chance of pregnancy is low for sexual intercourase during period. Plan B is not as effective as a regular oral contraceptive. If you are slipping up this often, you should look into a regular, consistent form of birth control.

Answered 10/22/2018



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